What Makes Our Daycare Unique

We offer family-style, group daycare. This allows your children the comfort of staying together instead of being separated into different classrooms based on age. Your child’s teacher will remain the same year after year so there is no loss in child/caregiver bonding. 

An emphasis is also placed on the learning that is cultivated through mixed-age groupings. The younger ones learn basic self-care and social skills from observing the older children, and the older ones learn basic nurturing skills by observing the caregivers tend to the little ones. Another benefit of having mixed ages is that the ratio of children to care providers enables more of a family feeling.

Additionally, we are pleased to offer you the reliability of our experienced and loyal staff. Our teachers have as many as 15 years with us...a rarity in the high turnover childcare workforce. 

We look forward to providing your children the security of a family-style atmosphere while offering a wide variety of learning experiences as well as loving individual attention.

Please call for more information including availability and rates. 608-884-6162 or e-mail: daycare@creativeartsclass.net

Or feel free to stop by for a visit.

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