
 We had fun camping this week!

We roasted marshmallows, looked at animals through our binoculars, and packed up our backpacks for hiking.

Tuesday we used aluminum foil to paint a campfire.

We made smores on Wednesday.

And on Thursday we painted a bug jar with fireflies inside. 

Science Kids

 We had a fun week being scientists and trying different experiments.

We made lava lamps on Tuesday.

Having lots of playdoh fun!


We loved dressing up with the safety goggles!

Space Fun

We had some out of this world fun this last week when we learned about space.

On Monday we made our own solar systems.


Wednesday we became astronauts when made our own astronaut masks.



Thursday we got to make silly alien heads.

And on Friday we were ready to blast into the weekend after we made rockets.



Mystery/Super Sleuths

We had a fun mysterious week being spies and sleuths. One day we made a magnifying glass to check for clues. Another day we made fun 'Spy Kid' faces, and we got to pick what sort of disguises we wanted our faces to have.



We took advantage of all the beautiful sunny weather we had and played outside lots! We loved riding around in the cars and on the bikes, and "filling up" the cars with gas.